
Sealant Calculator

To use: Enter values and press "Update" to recalculate. These calculators also update when you tab to the next field or click elsewhere in the page.

Sealant Coverage Calculator (Single Joint) Rectangular

Enter Data: Results
Width (in.) Gallons
Depth (in.) 10.1 oz. Cartridges
Linear Ft. 2 Gallon Pails
5 Gallon Pails
Sausage Packs
1.5 Gallon Units
1 Qt. Cartridges

Sealant Coverage Calculator (Multiple Joints) Rectangular

Enter Data: Results
Width (in.) Depth (in.) Lin. Ft.
Joint 1 Gallons
Joint 2 10.1 oz. Cartridges
Joint 3 2 Gallon Pails
Joint 4 5 Gallon Pails
Joint 5 Sausage Packs
1.5 Gallon Units
1 Qt. Cartridges
55 Gallon Drums

Sealant Coverage Calculator (Single Joint) Cylindrical

Enter Data: Results
Diameter (in.) Gallons
:Linear In. 10.1 oz. Cartridges
2 Gallon Pails
5 Gallon Pails
Sausage Packs
1.5 Gallon Units
1 Qt. Cartridges

Sealant Coverage Calculator (Multiple Joints) Cylindrical

Enter Data: Results
Diameter (in.) Linear In.
Joint 1 Gallons
Joint 2 10.1 oz. Cartridges
Joint 3 2 Gallon Pails
Joint 4 5 Gallon Pails
Joint 5 Sausage Packs
1.5 Gallon Units
1 Qt. Cartridges
55 Gallon Drums

Primer Coverage (based on coverage rate of 100 sq. ft./gallon)

Joint Depth Linear Ft. Gallons Quarts Pints

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