CCW Pre-Kleened EPDM

Pre-Kleened is a user friendly thru-wall flashing, which requires few accessories and can be installed at any temperature.UV & Ozone resistant.  The product has talc washed from surfaces during production to facilitate field handling and installation.  Primarily used as a through-wall flashing in masonry wall and cavity wall construction.  The product is also used in…

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CCW AWP Primer

AWP is a single component latex-based primer. As an accessory product to the MiraDri860/861 it is designed to set the dust on concrete and block surfaces, to promote adhesion of the CCW waterproofing membrane to the substrate.

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CCW 702

CCW 702 is a quick-drying, solvent-based, high-tack adhesive specifically designed to adhere CCW sheet membrane waterproofing products..

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CCW 715 Primer

CCW 715 is designed to allow adhesion of CCW Sheet membranes to damp or partially cured concrete surfaces. This allows installation of membrane as soon as forms are removed.  Do not apply, where visible water is present.  Trapped water may cause blistering, keep direct sunlight off membrane and backfill immediately.    

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Carlisle CCW-705

Carlisle CCW-705 Air & Vapor Barrier manufactured by Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing is a 40-mil-thick (0.040 inch) composite membrane consisting of a rubberized-asphalt adhesive laminated to a tough, dimensionally stable, smooth-surfaced poly film. CCW-705 is provided in rolls of various widths lined with disposable silicone-coated plastic release film. The release film is removed to expose…

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Henry Blue Skin SA

Blueskin SA is a self-adhering membrane consisting of an SBS rubberized asphalt compound, which is integrally laminated to a blue engineered thermoplastic film.  The membrane is specifically designed to be self-adhered to a prepared substrate, providing an air/vapor/water barrier in full wall applications or as penetration/flashing membrane with other air barrier systems.  Blueskin SA, in…

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Soft Type Backer Rod

Joint forming, pliable, non-gassing, polyolefin foam backer rod. Ideal for irregular joint applications. Control sealant depth Create a backstop to allow proper sealant tooling Ensure sealant adhesion to joint surfaces only And yield a proper bond break between backup material and sealant  

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Carlisle CCW 860/861

CCW MiraDRI 860/861 are self-adhering sheet membranes consisting of 56 mils (1.4 mm) of rubberized asphalt laminated to 4 mils (0.1 mm) of polyethylene to form a minimum 60-mil (1.5 mm) membrane. CCW MiraDRI 860 membrane is a summer-grade material, suitable for installations where the ambient temperature is 40°F (4.4°C) or above. CCW MiraDRI 861…

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Carlisle CCW 703

CCW-703 Liquiseal liquid-applied membrane is a two-component polyurethane waterproofing system. It is self-curing, forming a seamless, impermeable coating that bonds tightly to an appropriate substrate, preventing the lateral transfer of water. Liquiseal is easily mixed at the jobsite and applied using a squeegee, trowel, or spray equipment, providing a waterproof rubber membrane. Liquiseal is available…

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Carlisle CCW Barricoat (Roller)

Barricoat-R is a water-based asphalt emulsion modified with a blend of synthetic rubbers and special additives. Barricoat-R is formulated to a thick consistency, so it will hang easily on vertical surfaces at high thickness. Barricoat-R is applied by roller or brush, and air-dries to a rubber-likeconsistency. Barricoat-R is often used as an accessory product in…

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