Sika DecoFlake
Manufacturer: Sika
Product Type: Floor Coatings
Short Description
An aesthetic, easy to clean, seamless floor consisting of a clear epoxy binder, broadcast with multi-colored vinyl chips and sealed with transparent, or UV stable topcoats
Sikafloor DecoFlake is an aesthetic, easy to clean, seamless floor consisting of a clear epoxy binder, broadcast with multi-colored vinyl chips and sealed with transparent, or UV stable topcoats. The system is highly customizable with an extensive color palette and variable application thicknesses. Final surface options include: integral cove base, and variable surface texture to produce a range of slip-resistant finishes.
- Restaurant and cafeteria seating areas
- Commercial kitchen and food preparation areas
- Grocery departments and retail stores
- Light to medium duty production areas
- Pharmaceutical laboratories, production rooms and offices
- Hospitals, laboratories, production rooms and offices
- Museums and galleries
- Commercial lobbies and office areas
- Animal shelters and veterinary clinics