New Construction Cleaners
PROSOCO Sure Klean Ferrous Stain Remover
A specialty masonry cleaning product that effectively removes iron, manganese, vanadium, straw stains, acid burns and other metallic discolorations from brick, stone, and masonry surfaces.
Read MorePROSOCO Sure Klean Asphalt & Tar Remover
A highly efficient multipurpose solvent cleaner for masonry and concrete. It is easy to apply and water rinsable. Ideal for cleaning and surface preparation, Asphalt & Tar Remover will not damage most masonry or concrete.
Read MorePROSOCO Sure Klean Vana Trol
A concentrated acidic cleaner for new masonry surfaces that are subject to vanadium, manganese and other metallic stains. Vana Trol® is designed to simplify rinsing and reduces potential for efflorescence.
Read MorePROSOCO Sure Klean Light Duty Concrete Cleaner
Removes common construction and atmospheric staining from smooth architectural and engineered concrete. This general-purpose, non etching acidic cleaner removes rust, mud, atmospheric dirt, mortar smears and other stains without altering the surface texture. Light Duty Concrete Cleaner adds depth to colors, brightens white matrices and exposed aggregate.
Read MorePROSOCO Sure Klean Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner
Formulated for removal of concrete splashes, excess mortar, retarders, heavy efflorescence, embedded stains, rust and surface soiling from textured concrete surfaces.This concentrated, general-purpose acidic cleaner improves the color and uniformity of most standard concrete, colored concrete, precast panel and concrete block surfaces. When used in strong solutions, Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner will etch concrete, It…
Read MorePROSOCO Sure Klean Custom Masonry Cleaner
Removes concrete splashes, excess mortar, mud, retarders, heavy efflorescence, embedded stains, rust and surface soiling from textured custom masonry surfaces.This concentrated, general-purpose acidic cleaner improves the color and uniformity of most custom masonry and colored concrete. When used in strong solutions, Custom Masonry Cleaner can be used for additional aggregate exposure (“weathering”).
Read MorePROSOCO Sure Klean 600
A general purpose, concentrated acidic cleaner for brick, tile and concrete surfaces. Sure Klean ® 600 dissolves mortar smears and construction dirt quickly, leaving the masonry clean and uniform with no acid burning or streaking.
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